The Research Group "EDEN - Education, Didactics and Entertainment Computing" pursues interdisciplinary research combining methods and theories from EducationLearning and Social Sciences to investigate open problems in Computing Education, Informatik Didaktik, Entertainment Computing and Education in general particularly related to the digital and social transformation of education while aiming to create sustainable technology-enhanced solutions. Amongst multiple research engagements, one line of teaching and research activities within the group is specifically dedicated to pre-service teacher education for Informatik (computing) in secondary education (Lehramt Informatik).

Currently, the research group consists of three working groups:

  • The "Entertainment Computing Group" (EC) led by Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Helmut Hlavacs
  • The "Computer Science Education I Informatik Didaktik Group" (CIED) led by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Maria Knobelsdorf
  • The "Technology Enhanced Learning Group" (TELG) led by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Renate Motschnig

Team of research group CSLEARN

Publications of research group COSY

Projects of research group CSLEARN

 News & Events

Job Offers: PraeDoc and PostDoc Positions

Our group is currently advertising two new positions. Apply now!

"Ich kann Studierenden nur sagen: 'Habt keine Angst!'" - Vizedekanin Renate Motschnig, Expert*innen, Jobeinsteiger*innen und Studierende diskutierten beim Uniport-JobTalk den...

Im Interview mit Zero Outage Industry Standard (ZOIS) spricht Prof. Renate Motschnig über erste Erkenntnisse aus dem gemeinsamen Projekt: "Soft-Skills for IT-People".